I’m on the Internet Telling You Not to Believe the Internet

The Internet is just but one of the many resources that provide people with too much information. While it’s pretty much second nature now to find out things for yourself, that should only ever be a starting point. WebMD doesn’t fill prescriptions, in other words, and for good reason.

Your tattoo artist can help you avoid making costly mistakes. The most expensive and painful and crappy being paying to have a bad tattoo removed.

Good artists at the best tattoo shops in St. Pete love building a base of well-informed customers. Everyone wins, because you will learn from the source about:

Good Timing

Your tattooist will help you plan your tattoo experience, including estimated time for the piece(s) you decide to work on.  You might be surprised how wrong novice-tattoo-getters can be when thinking they know how long something is going to take.

Being Yourself (Within Reason)

Tattoo artists have seen it all. So no need to be anything other than who you are – unless you are a foot tapper or a hair flipper or have other habits that might f-up your tattoo. So establish that comfortable one-on one thang, and then let your freak flag fly – or be a wallflower – just don’t fidget or feel the need to dance while being worked on.


Tattoo artists do not all charge the same price. Do your online research: you may find a range of price points, even in a relatively small place like St. Pete.  Flat rate? Hourly charge? Pre-paid deposit?  Tips? TALK to your guy (or gal) for all the important money info up front.

Positive and Negative Reference

St. Pete has a deserved reputation as an artistic place.  That doesn’t mean you want your artist pulling stuff out of his or her, um out of the blue. Google yourself silly looking through references. Choose things that speak to you, and be ready to engage with your artist to discuss. Search. Research. Even choose a bad example to bring in to share.


Looking to get a new tattoo? Schedule and appointment today at Black Amethyst Tattoo Gallery.